New AC Systems

Should you repair or replace?

People often think their AC system only needs replacing if it is beyond repair or requires extensive repairs. However, you should consider several other factors when deciding to replace an air conditioner with a new one, such as:

  • The AC is over 10 years old
  • The AC lacks a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER)
  • Energy costs are consistently rising
  • Inefficient air displacement- Some areas of your home or building are too hot, while other areas are too cold
  • The AC is making strange and/or sudden noises throughout the day or night
  • Too much humidity is present in your home or office building

Once you decide to get a new air conditioning system, it is vital to make sure the system you choose meets your needs, such as:

  • Can the system provide your home or business with the optimal comfort and efficiency required for your climate and floor plan?
  • Does it have an Energy Star label, which means it has passed federal efficiency standards?
  • Does it have a SEER rating of around 14?

These are important questions to ask before deciding on a particular unit because if you aren’t careful, you will be stuck with a system that doesn’t meet the requirements that will ensure your home or business stays comfortable all year round. If you are still unsure which system will work for you, we can provide you with a technician who will inspect your floor plan and help determine what system will better serve you.

Schedule a Consultation

Fill out the form below or call us at 407-479-7197 to get started.